Mainly because it doesn't matter if you do or don't. So, why bother?
let's give some good reasons why meetings suck.
Mainly because it doesn't matter if you do or don't. So, why bother?
Its interesting that what many here regret not doing, defd IS doing and they throw it in his face. So the guy is a company man but covers his ass. Not unsmart I'd say. I dont think he really believes half of what he says. He likes to stir it up. What the heck, that's what goes on here, right?
Since he knows Armagaggin aint coming anytime too soon he's just thinkin ahead. For those who are bright they find themselves miles ahead of the rank and file. In the real world they are just average. Better to be above average in the Truth than to be one of the dying millions.
do you think the wt has become more lenient or stricter over the year?.
i am 21 and i remember just 4 years ago going to college was looked at as something negative.
girls my age, we had plans to be ft pioneers and become secretaries.
I'm 48 and in my senior year! Some one forgot to start Hammygeddon when they were supposed to! No one listens to them old turds in NY, not even the angels...
So, go now. Dont wait.
i have spotted at least 10 newbies this week-end !!!
seems the rebel forces are growing stronger by the minute....... welcome y'all !
Help me Noobie wan kanoobie.
Welcome you scooby doobie noobies.
i was just looking at some old pictures from wts magazines.
i noticed something i cant understand.
the car in the picture is a buick park avenue!
C'mon you guys, John Lithgow...
Hello. Don't you know the supreme commander of the mission?
we are amongst friends here, so you can tell us
singing ....Aw Sugar, Aw honey honey. You are my candy girl, and you got me wantin you!
(turns red and then gets back to it)
"pour a little sugar on it baby... I'm gonna make your life so sweet, yeh yeh yeh....."
Ok you get the idea.
Now you have arrived amongst people who will not judge you. Tell us more about how you deal with the attending and not gagging on the crap you hear....
someone mentioned this book in another thread (getbusyliving i think), so i checked it out from the library.. it is a decent enough book but was a little put off by the almost sarcastic/antagonistic tone throughout much of the book.
he throws around the word "myth" as much as the society throws around the word "truth".
even the title of the book "who wrote the new testament?
It's ridiculous to think that Burton Mack wrote the New Testament. Where do we come up with these things?
what are your favorite sci fi movies or books.. mine.. asimov's foundation series.
clarke's childhoods end.. the day the earth stood still.
close encounters.
Time and Again Jack Finney
Farscape is the best! Frell the rest!
The president resigned, The Jews and Egyptians were fighting in the middle east, the gas crunch, protests by the antiwar factions, the race riots, three assasinations in five years or so... This was the early seventies remember? Hell yes 1975 held credibility to a teenager in a house torn by marital strife. Yep, believed it like every sap out there now sucking up the Tsunami and Hurricane disasters as "PROOF".
Get out while you can you lurkers!! Not Dfed, he's gov body material.